Business Name Status Inquiry

  • Want to know the status of your business name (e.g. 'registered', overdue', 'cancelled', 'de-registered', 'available' etc.)?
  • You don't seem to have received a business name renewal notice for a long time and you're wondering what the position is?
  • Wondering whether your business name registration is overdue?
  • Wondering what address ASIC has recorded as the business name's "Address for service of documents"?
  • Wondering what address ASIC has recorded for the business name's "Principal place of business"?

Just fill in your business name below and we'll provide you, FREE, with a full status details report for your business name and we'll highlight for you anything which we consider may need your attention.

Business Name Details


e.g. 'John Smith' - This needs to be a human being whom (a) we may contact about this inquiry, and (b) who hereby declares, after making all proper due and proper enquiries, that he/she is or was either the registered holder of the business name or is authorised on behalf of the registered holder (or former registered holder) of the business name to make this inquiry and (c) who hereby confirms that he or she has read, understands and agrees to the Terms and Conditions of Use (These are the same Terms and Conditions of Use which have been continuously available for viewing throughout this web-site via clicking on 'Terms' in the 'toolbar' above).

I hereby confirm the above declarations, confirmations and agreements.